FEEDBACKS – Students Satisfaction Survey

We have Student Feedback Committee. Student Satisfaction Survey regarding Teaching – Learning and Evaluation, which will be useful to upgrade the overall quality of higher education. A student will have to respond to all the questions given in the following format with her/his sincere effort and thought. Student’s identity keep confidential during all process of feedback collection and analysis. From the academic year 2019-20 we collect the students feedback through Google forms. After collection of student feedbacks we will process and analyze it. If any suggestions arises from students, Feedback committee intimates to concern authority that helps to improve the quality of the workforce of the college.

Sr. No. Title 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18
1 College Facility Feedback Report Link Link Link Link Link
2 Office Facilities and Works Report Link Link Link Link Link
3 Design and Review of Syllabus Report Link Link Link Link Link
4 Principal Evaluation Report Link Link Link Link Link
5 Teachers Feedback Report Link Link Link Link Link