Student Council

 Student Council Formation Process and Norms          

           The college believes in students’ power and provides wide ranging platforms and opportunities to instill leadership qualities in them. The students’ council is formulated in the college as per the Maharashtra University act 1994, Maharashtra Universities (amendments and continuance) act 2000 and Maharashtra Universities (amendments and continuance) act 2016.
Accordingly, the university issues orders. The election takes place as per the time-table of the university. The members of students’ council are the toppers of their respective class, despite of that, one student is nominated from each department such as NSS, Sports and Cultural departments. Besides this, institution nominates students on various curricular, co-curricular and
extracurricular committees. he institution has the following policy regarding nomination of students:
1. Students must have good academic career.
2. He / she should not have any ATKT in the previous classes.
3. He /she should have good communication skill and leadership qualities.
4. Students’ representatives are nominated on important committees but their involvement is restricted to only those matters (discussions) which are related to students.
5. The selection is based on the criteria of ‘inclusion’ from the cross section of the society.
            The students trained in this manner, develop leadership qualities and they actively participate in the activities. They help in the planning, implementation. They also highlight the problems of the students in the curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular committees. Their participation on various committees offers them a glimpse of the systems at work. Secondly, their leadership skills are tested and they learn to work as a team. Teachers in the committees also get valuable suggestions along with students’ perspective on the issues. e.g. the nominated students in the IQAC gave suggestion that we the cooperative store should stock goods other than academic material at subsidized rate.
            Apart from this various committees are formed at the time of big events like Avishkar Yuva Mohastav, annual sport events etc. the students volunteer with the administrative work and the actual event as well. They plan the some events on their own under the guidance of the respective conveners. The students also assist in collecting material for the magazine Jidda. Sports and cultural committees are benefitted by the significant help from the student members since they are the best medium for the success of the events.


Selection of general Secretary for 2023-24 (Mr. Shramik Bhatkar, SYBSc)

Yearwise  Student Council

Sr. No. Academic year Student Council Members List of Student representative on various Committes
1. 2018-19    
2. 2019-20    
3. 2020-21    
4. 2021-22    
5. 2022-23 List  