My dear students

Heartiest congratulations and a warm welcome to the family of Guhagar Education Society’s Khare-Dhere-Bhosale College, which has a glorious history of two decades. Since then our college is committed to the cause of sculpting the young generation, the future and the real architect of the nation. It has started an amalgam of conventional and unconventional courses to meet the needs of this region as well as to make available a source for academic development and excellence. Our college is known for its quality education with best possible infrastructure, environment and discipline, giving opportunities for all round development of student’s personality. Our success has been entirely due to the trust and confidence placed in us by our students and their guardians. We understand and acknowledge that their faith has enabled us to create the goodwill that we enjoy in the society. Both former and current students are part of KDBC family. I, on behalf of my entire Khare-Dhere-Bhosale College team assure you the education of the finest quality. I welcome you all once again as “KDBC” With best wishes!



“Dynamic Education for Social Transformation”



