Gymkhana Department of our college engages various sports activities. The health of any institution is sum total of health of all its constituent members. The extra –curricular activities and sports give scope for their hidden talents in cultural activities and sports. The institution has provided a standard play ground for sports like volley-ball, Kho-Kho, Kabaddi, Cricket, etc. 200 meter track for outdoor games is also provided. For indoor games like Badminton, Chess, TableTennis, Carom etc. the required facilities are also made available. The institution facilitates the admission of students, who had taken part and participated at Taluka, District, Region, State, All India inter University level sports and cultural activities, by giving them concession in admission fees. They are motivated to take part in intra college sports and cultural activities and also trained in respective sports and cultural activities to elevate their performance in respective stages and bring out hidden talent in them to groom them for national and international sports activities. Students of this institution who comes out as winners, are suitably rewarded by institution by providing them sports kit, blazers and certificates at annual social gathering at the hands of renowned personalities.


Sports Facilities:

a) Indoor facilities:
Shuttle badminton, Table-Tennis, Chess, Carom etc.
b) Outdoor facilities:



Sr. No. Sports name Measurements of ground No. of grounds
1 Kabaddi 13x10 mtr. 2
2 Basket Ball 29x15 mtr. 1
3 Kho-Kho 29x16 mtr. 1
4 Volleyball 18x9 mtr. 1
5 Football 120x50 mtr. 1
6 Cricket 22 yard pitch 1


c) For ground sports there is 200 mtr. Track, high jump, long jump, triple jump, Pit, Disc throw, facilities are made available.



Academic Year Sports Event Number of Participated students
2018-19 Kabaddi- Boys
Kabaddi- Girls


Special Achievement - Rasika Rajesh Goyathale had won the best rider award in Kabaddi event at University level in academic year 2018-19

Details of sports equipment available in the College


Sr. No. Name of Item Total Number
1 Volley ball 05
2 Badminton net 01
3 Badminton Racket 04
4 Badminton cock 01(boxes)
5 Basket Ball 01
6 Cricket Kipper Gloves 01
7 Cricket Kipper pad 01
8 Cricket balls 12
9 Cricket guards 02
10 Cricket batting gloves 01
11 Cricket batting pad 01
12 Cricket Helmet 02
13 Cricket Bats 02
14 Table tennis bat 04
15 Stop watch 02
16 Discus throw 02
17 Table tennis table 01
18 Kho-kho Poll 01 pair


Perspective future plans:
i) To coach the players to make them international players.
ii) To make the students of this institution sound, healthy and good citizens of India
iii) To inculcate the sportsmanship and team spirit.